After a long year of working at Microsoft, I was finally able to talk about my involvement working on Forza 5.
If I'm going to be honest, I will say that it was definitely a different experience than I had initially thought it would be. I was actively involved on the Track Team doing anything from lighting bugs, to flickering polygons, or fighting alphas in the crowd groups within the racing stands.
The bulk of my work was making sure collision and objects within the world worked properly. I did however get to work specifically on some environment props on the main courses.
One area of the team I was specifically in charge of was tirewalls, making sure they seamlessly flowed from one wall to another. I was also in charge of modeling and texturing said tirewalls.
Finally my tasks, while long and tedious at times, were incredibly important to the learning process of how a AAA games really works. I respect the work my team did and am happy to say the game couldn't have happened without the work we did. Small bugs may be minor tasks, but when you put together a couple hundreds "small bugs" you essentially have the difference between a working game and an absolute mess.

So after a dead flash drive and a few more days than I could afford, I finally got this guy low poly, textured and rendered out.
I'm satisfied with the texture, but after sitting and bustign it out, I'm gonna walk away and come back to it, as I'm sure I'll find something I can do better. Either way, I'm really happy with how the maps turns out, the diffuse was fun to paint, and I think this is one of the first models that I've ever actually needed a glow map.
Hand painted robot Codename Robo 00, done. 1024 Diffuse/Bump/Spec/Glow and around 7400 tris. Questions/comments/critiques always appreciated. :)
Now to rig and pose this guy before portfolio review!

Whether Maya or 3Ds Max, I'm a motivated modeler and texture artist in the greater Seattle area. I have my BFA in game design and love any project that allows me to express myself artistically. I love sculpting digitally, texturing and keeping up to date in the many areas of 3D that exist in today's day and age.
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